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Authorised Witness Australia Inc.

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All fees are dedicated to maintaining and improving our services. Our goal is to provide these services at the most affordable rates possible.

What we offer

General Website

Access to our website containing general information, links of interest, and special offers.

Knowledge Test

How well do you understand what is required of you when witnessing a document. Take the knowledge test to see how you fair. Only you will get the score.

Training - Generic

Online training that is generic for most authorised witnesses and applicable Australia wide.

Training - Jurisdiction

Online training specific to the state/territory in which you reside. Particularly suitable for Justices of the Peace.


Confirm your understanding of each of the training modules. Simple and fun to do and reinforce your learning.


A knowledge base website that contains explanations and definitions.


Have a question or an opinion? Post it to the forum, get responses from others in your community group.


Webinars on specific topics with a subject matter expert. 


A range of specific tools and products to enable you to perform the job more effectively. 

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