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Authorised Witness Australia Inc.

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About Us

Authorised Witness Australia Inc. is a not-for-profit association committed to ensuring the public receives accurate and reliable witnessing of their essential 'cradle to grave' documents. We offer professional development for authorised witnesses across Australian jurisdictions and provide the community with vital information about available witnessing services.

We are the #1 provider of multi-jurisdiction services in Australia

Our programs focus on best practices for witnessing common documents, including affidavits, statutory declarations, certified copies, and regularly encountered documents such as Powers of Attorney, Verification of Identity, and Advance Care Directives.

Authorised Witness Australia enhances your skills in document witnessing through optional training. This training is supplementary and does not replace any mandatory pre-appointment training required by your governing body.

* Authorised Witness: An individual empowered to witness signatures or certify copies of documents. This may include a person appointed by law, someone in a specific occupation or profession, or, in some cases, simply an adult.